Is it possible to completely remove our impact on the environment around us? Net Zero is the concept of having zero impact.
Even though the concept is simple there are differing definitions commonly used. Each with a different view of what it takes to reduce our impact.
Energy consumed = energy produced
For each type of energy, consumed = produced
Carbon neutral: the carbon footprint = 0
For our purposes we will be using the concept of energy consumed = energy produced. To me this definition says that atleast in theory its possible to live off the grid even within an urban, on grid location.
There are many different areas where this equation of balancing resources can be applied.
Energy consumed = energy produced
Water consumed = water acquired onsite
Food consumed = food produced
When trying to balance out the net zero equation there are really only two variables, either produce more, or reduce the amount used. In general the later is your best option. There are many simple ways to reduce the resources we use. Sometimes it becomes very difficult to produce more. Lets use electricity as our example. It's simple to just turn off the lights, but more costly to add another photovoltaic panel.
In my families case we are using a house that is attached to the grid, but also are producing energy. At times we are taking from the grid, other times we are contributing to the grid. We have a net metering agreement with the power company. If we can balance our equation then the power bill will be only $5, the fee for being attached to the grid.
That's our goal, to be completely net zero. For now we constantly monitor the resources we use compared to what we produce. From this we find ways balance our Net Zero equation by first, using less, and second, producing more.
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